Friends of Awa Matakanakana (FOAM

Friends of Awa Matakanakana (FOAM) have a principal aim as a group to participate in the restoration and maintenance of a healthy Sandspit estuary and the two rivers that feed into it, the Matakana (14.2 km long) and the Glen Eden (13.8 km long). 
The group focus is on the conditions in the wider catchment which impact the environmental health of the area, recognising the cultural, historical, commercial and recreational importance for present and future generations.
Friends of Awa Matakanakana undertake water quality monitoring with five teams at 15 sites on a 3 monthly basis. This includes monitoring for phosphate, nitrate and oxygen levels along with sediment, water sampling for E.Coli (freshwater), an inspection of macroinvertebrate species and the presence of freshwater fish and koura.
FOAM monitor shellfish in the Sandspit Estuary. We are monitoring real-time sediment levels in the Matakana River at Matakana Market with turbidity sensors as part of a trial with Auckland Council 
Friends of Awa Matakanakana  have received grants from the Rodney Healthy Harbours Fund to assist our volunteers in riparian planting and applications for further funding have been made  
Friends of Awa Matakanakana (FOAM) plans are to work closely with Auckland Council to identify sources of sediment run-off in the catchments and in concert with landowners and the Council, support appropriate remediation


Friends of Awa Matakanakana (FOAM)

Contact name, Title
Phone – Chair: John Collins (021 2737913), Vice-chair: Martin Evans(029 3551323), Jo Haswell, Secretary (027 4306822)

Email –

Website – Friends of Awa Matakanakana

Facebook Page  
